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【Pop Up Event 】"Light up the future NISHIJIN" / kanra shop

Hotel Kanra Kyoto celebrated its 14th anniversary in October.
To commemorate this milestone, we are hosting a pop-up store featuring Nishijin textiles,
a beautiful and renowned fabric representative of Kyoto's textile tradition.

Nishijin textiles have a history spanning over 1,000 years and involve various processes,
from silk reeling, design, and weaving to complex techniques executed by highly skilled artisans.
However, it's important to note that this iconic tradition is at risk of disappearing
due to a shortage of successors and materials and loom parts, changing lifestyles.

At this event, we will showcase both traditional works and modernized designs.
We will also host a workshop where you can create your own incense sachet.
You will have the opportunity to craft your unique scent in a sachet made of Nishijin fabric.
Further details about the workshop will be provided soon.

【Event/Light up the future NISHIJIN】
October 3rd, 2024 – October 28th, 2024

sampai ・gonomi ・KAMIGYO Bowtie ・タイヨウネクタイ株式会社 ・西陣岡本 ・有限会社フクオカ機業 ・penmode

hotel kanra kyoto
kanra shop main building 1F

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